FMF – enduring the frigid temperatures in style

My thermostatfur says -1 degree.  It’s time for the man-fur!  Calm down PETA, it’s a faux-man-fur (FMF).  The picture really says it all.  Perfect for erands to The Home Depot, a drink at the Golf Club to retire the February minimum,  of course – church, and even a casual dinner with the fam at Chili’s.

I’m a growing fan of direct order clothing from Korea.  I’m liking their approach to slim fit and the prices are fantastic!  The only problem is the sizing.  My 6’1″, 180 pound European frame doesn’t quite jive with the Asian sizes.  I end up returning 1 out of 3 orders.  This one worked out though – Korean XXL fits like a glove!

No need to exclusively sport the puffy jacket this time of year.  The FMF allows weathering the winter chill in style.

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Tis the season for Sales: Focus on (not-so) puffy vests.

sale uniqlo

We’re in that great time of year where the new exciting Spring/Summer lines are beginning to line the shelves.  If you’re sick of winter already, you can at least picture yourself on the horizon, sporting these lighter fashions.  It’s also a time for incredible sales on the  leftover pre-Christmas inventories.  You can score big, and still get a few months of in-year utility till spring.  I’ll continue to share these as they come in.

sale Northface

I’m focused on the new ultra light puffy vests.  I find the Uniqlo and Northface brands in particularly interesting, both for warmth and fashion.  As I mentioned in a previous blog Trending:  an Overcoatless Winter, these warm, sleek vests can fashionably replace the winter overcoat.

vest uniqlo

I was at the midtown NYC Uniqlo this week and tried several on.  There are tons of great, pastel colors, and they are truly super light.  Thin too.  I’d say about 50% less bulky than the Lands End one I own (which isn’t all that bulky either).  Only one issue – they WEREN’T ON SALE!

Now at $49.50, they are very affordable.  I’d put them at parity for quality and fashion against the Northface (selling for $130).  But this is the season for DEALS, and $49.50 is the everyday price!  I’m in stalking mode for the big sale.  Will keep you posted.

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Wardrobe in Transition – Black Friday Score!!!

My closet is tight.  Not just tight, as in stylish and cool.  Tight meaning there’s lots of clothes crammed in.  Recently realizing this, I am more selective with what I buy.  I don’t hit every sale and try to reserve my dollars for the truly special pieces and exceptional sales.

The Black Friday marketing machine had its sights on me and definitely grabbed my attention.  After a recent custom fitted FAIL (post coming soon), I zeroed in on a two national branded stores Banana Republic and H&M.  BP always has sales and H&M is always cheap.  My goal was twofold – to find perfectly fitted pants and really squeeze the price.

I’ve been swapping out my previously-cool flat front pants from a few years ago for the recent style shift to lower waists and tighter hips.  BP was a little late on this, but their current offerings seem there.  I’ve had my eye on the Tailored Slim Camel Striped Wool Trouser at $108, but I’ve been waiting, stalking for the right coupon.  The 40% off Entire Purchase Black Friday Special was it.  I like ordering on-line, but I needed to try them on.  To quote Liam Neeson/Ottway from The Grey, “One more time, into the fray.”

Fast-forward through the traffic, parking, crowds, etc.  I have a nice lunch and a fabulous Blue Point Pale Ale (Long Island, NY).  I’m ready to shop.

H&M was not for me on this day.  The stuff with the big sales did not fit like I wanted and I was determined to not further cram my closet with impulse buys.

On to BP.  I see my target and sift through the size tags.  After double-checking all 12 pairs, my nemesis kicks in – they don’t have my size.  KAHN!!!!!!  I shift into problem solving mode – find a different color in my size.  I’ll then order online.  Then, a Black Friday Miracle – around the corner, 6 more pairs of the Camel Stripe.  Score!  Positive thinking always pays off.  I grab my size and head for the changing room.  On the way, I peruse the clearance rack….

SCORE!!!!!  A Tailored Slim pair in my size in a charcoal/brown – a color on my acquisition list.  They are also 40% off and only $28!

Out of the dressing room, two thumbs from me, and confirmed by the doll-of-a-dressing-room-attendant.  Both pairs look awesome, and will wear both to work this week.  Now that I know the BP Tailored Slim are a win, I’ll have no issue ordering on-line in the future (with an aggressive promo code, of course).   We’ll see what Cyber Monday brings…